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Big Truck Accidents Can Cause Injury or Death

| Oct 12, 2016 | Auto Accidents, Trucking Accidents

When Injuries Happen, Know Your Rights

Big trucks cause big accidents for motorists—and even pedestrians. Official statistics show that one out of every eight automobile accident fatalities involve large trucks, and every 16 minutes, a crash or collision involving a big truck occurs. These trucks, which include tractor trailers, big rigs and other commercial vehicles, dominate the space they occupy on streets and highways. Too often, automobiles and motorcycles come into contact with them, and the results can be devastating.

In fact, when a commercial truck is involved in an accident, 86 percent of fatalities, and 77 percent of those injured, end up being the drivers and passengers of the smaller vehicles involved in the crash. Given the large size of the trucks, the long hours that many drivers spend behind the wheel and the failure of some big truck drivers to abide by the posted speed limits, such a high rate of big truck accidents is not at all surprising.

Many big truck accidents are caused by human error. Others are traceable to mechanical failure, intoxication or even a trucking company’s failure to adequately maintain current inspection standards for the truck that was involved. In the aftermath of an accident, victims who survive can be severely injured and/or traumatized. Additionally, big truck accidents can result in substantial damage to the victim’s vehicle and other personal property that was impacted by the accident.

In most big truck accidents, liable parties that can be sued may include the driver of the truck, the commercial vehicle owner, the owner of the freight, the employer of the driver, the manufacturer of the truck cab, trailer or other truck equipment, and even third-party maintenance companies.

Crash Evidence is Key to Determining Fault in Big Truck Accidents

It is not unusual in big truck accidents for the trucking company involved to actively work to deny that the truck driver they employed was at fault. Federal law requires that trucking companies keep evidence; but the law stipulates that this applies only for a certain time period. If you or a loved one have been involved in a big truck accident, it is essential to protect your rights, so you should immediately contact an experienced big truck attorney.

Based on the circumstances surrounding the accident, a qualified and experienced big truck attorney will likely send the trucking company a spoliation letter. Without this letter, the trucking company may be able to legally destroy the trail of guilt. Beyond this, an experienced attorney will represent your interests throughout your case. He/she will determine who the responsible parties are in the accident that occurred, and work to obtain other important evidence such as official accident reports and truck logs. That attorney will also pursue just compensation for injuries, lost wages and loss of financial stability, costs associated with ongoing care and medical treatment, and emotional distress.

No Cost Evaluation

If you or a loved one have been injured in a big truck accident, your rights are at stake—you need to seek immediate legal advice. At Nager Romaine Schneiberg Co., L.P.A, our big truck accident attorneys may be able to help you pursue compensation for the pain and suffering that you have been forced to endure. The experienced personal injury and workers’ compensation lawyers at NRS are highly knowledgeable in big truck litigation. We fight side by side with injured victims to make sure they and their families receive compensation for negligence that caused them to be hurt. We will aggressively pursue your case and work to help you obtain the medical care and compensation you need to rebuild your life.

In the event you or a loved one has suffered a big truck accident-related injury, contact the personal injury attorneys at NRS Injury Law by filling out our No-Risk Consultation form, or call (855) GOT-HURT and speak with one of our trained staff members.

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