Ohio's Largest Workers' Compensation And Injury Law Firm

100 Deadliest Days

On Behalf of | Jun 16, 2018 | Auto Accidents

In today’s day and age we are faced with an overwhelming number of dangers, many of which lead to unavoidable tragedy. For drivers, the most preventable dangers are those that relate to safe and attentive operation of a vehicle. We are in the midst of an annual time period coined “The 100 Deadliest Days” and while the topic is not new, the message deems repeating.

The 100 deadliest days occur from Memorial Day to Labor Day in which fatal accidents for teens skyrocket to 14% over the national average. Not only are teens more likely to die in accidents, they cause injury and death to others on the road.

The statistics are attributed to a variety of factors, including frequency of driving events, more free time spent on the road and more teens traveling together in a single vehicle. Speed, distractions and nighttime driving all contribute to an increased accident risk.

During this 100 day period an average of 10+ teens are killed in car accidents every day! These are startling numbers. This NHTSA data has been consistent since 2010.

Safe Vehicles

Ensuring vehicles are well maintained and in good working order is essential for overall safety. Teens are typically uniformed as to the importance of vehicle maintenance as it relates to safety. Maintaining tires, brakes and other vehicle parts is critically important. Vehicle care can be the difference between a near miss and a terrible tragedy.

Safe Driving

Today’s vehicles can stop on a dime if triggered proximity sensors are in place. Side monitoring is also available, as well as safety features that disable elements that take the driver’s attention off the road. The technology is out there, but it is expensive! Teach children by example and by educating them with accident facts. As a teenager they are at a higher risk of injury and death regardless if they are a passenger or the driver of a vehicle. It may seem repetitive and frustrating, but parents should continually instill good driving habits, and practice what they preach!

Restricted Permission

As parents, “yes” is the easiest answer you can give a child of any age. Unfortunately, we as parents must also pick our battles. Restricting driver and passenger occupancy can go a long way to prevention.
• Don’t serve alcohol
• Don’t allow unnecessary driving
• Restrict nighttime driving
• Set expectations – “Text me when you get there”
• Restrict passengers

Unfortunately for more than 1,000 parents annually that dreaded call or knock at the door will come. Understanding the finality of death is not a common concept for teens and many adults have a difficult time completely comprehending it as well.

If you or a loved one was injured or killed in an accident, contact NRS Injury Law today. We have the expertise and resources necessary to fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact Nager, Romaine and Schneiberg today. Big insurance companies will be quick to settle, and your best interests are not taken to heart.

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