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Reducing the Risks During Childbirth

| Aug 24, 2018 | Medical Malpractice

Reducing the Risks for Baby and Mother During Childbirth

When you think about pregnancy, what images come to mind? For many individuals, the excitement of welcoming a new family member tends to overwhelm all other thoughts. Very understandably so! It’s also potentially dangerous, however, because this perspective tends to completely gloss over the risks that childbirth poses to both mother and baby. It might be tempting to assume that childbirth is no longer an issue given today’s modern technological advances, but that is sadly not the case.

According to an article recently published by National Public Radio (NPR), maternal death as a result of childbirth is still a very real risk. In fact, the number of women dying in childbirth was steadily increasing throughout the beginning of the 21st century, on a national level. Healthcare became more focused than ever before on caring for infants rather than mothers, due to the assumption that the mothers would be fine. The idea that women could die from preventable issues during childbirth was essentially relegated as an outdated view that belonged firmly in the past, thanks to modern medical advancements.

Today, there is a nationwide initiative to lower the number of mothers dying during childbirth as much as medically possible. This initiative seeks to standardize levels and methods of care during unexpected and dangerous developments during both the pregnancy and childbirth itself, in order to ensure that mothers receive the care they need. Healthcare is shifting its focus from being almost solely concerned with infants and the risks they experienced during childbirth, to encompassing mothers as well, in other words, in an attempt to keep both as safe and healthy as possible.

If you or someone you love have been injured during childbirth, the attorneys at NRS Injury Law can help. Our experienced legal team will passionately defend your interests in order to ensure that you receive the compensation to which you are entitled. Reach out to Nager, Romaine and Schneiberg today for a free case evaluation.

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