Ohio's Largest Workers' Compensation And Injury Law Firm

Questions to Ask a Workers’ Comp Attorney

| Feb 14, 2019 | Workers' Comp

After suffering an injury or illness due to something that happened while you were on the job, you might be considering talking with a workers’ comp attorney. It’s a great idea to seek out legal counsel, as the field of workers’ comp can be varied and complex. At the same time, you should have a rough idea of what you want to know before your visit with the attorney. Arming yourself with knowledge regarding the questions you need to ask can help make your visit more efficient and profitable.

What Are My Options?

As you might expect, the benefits that workers’ comp can offer are quite varied. Factors such as how the injury or illness occurred, how drastically it impacted you, and how long you can expect the effects to last will all affect the types of benefits you might be eligible for. So, one of the first things you need to do is narrow down what is—and what is not—available to you. Talking to a workers’ comp attorney is a great way to do this.

What Kinds of Records Do I Need to Keep?

Depending on the claims you are making, and the circumstances surrounding your case, you may very well need to provide some proof as to what the accident or illness has done to you. Records like receipts from the doctor’s office, proof of what you spend on medication, and other similar items will be a vital part of showing the damages you have suffered.

However, the need for documentation may not stop with showing what you have spent. If you are filing a claim for lost wages, for example, you may need to be able to prove what kind of income you were earning before the accident or illness—and what kind of income you are limited to now.

What Should I Expect When Speaking to the Workers’ Comp Claims Administrator?

For many people, the toughest part of seeking workers’ comp is talking with the claims administrator. They may second guess what they should (and should not) say. You want to be sure that you give the claims administrator all the important information that he or she needs to make a determination on your claim. Talking with your lawyer before you talk to the claims administrator can really help you determine what to say during the interview.

If you have questions regarding speaking with a workers’ comp attorney, please contact us. We’re happy to assist you.

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