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Understanding Fault in a Medical Malpractice Case

| Oct 15, 2020 | Medical Malpractice

When you suffer a serious injury while seeking medical care or treatment in Ohio, you should be thinking about your options for filing a medical malpractice claim. Depending upon the circumstances surrounding your injury or illness, it may be difficult to determine who precisely is at fault, and how you should file your claim.

For example, if you sustained an injury or suffered harm while seeking treatment at a hospital, is the hospital or your doctor responsible? Can nurses and pharmacists be responsible for injuries that result in injuries? Can you hold a laboratory that produces a defective test result accountable for a delayed diagnosis? And can you file a medical malpractice lawsuit against more than one party?

All of these questions are critical to discuss with an Ohio medical malpractice attorney. In the meantime, we want to provide you with some information about fault in medical negligence lawsuits in Ohio to help you get a sense of the process.

Many Different Healthcare Providers Can Be Liable for a Medical Error

If you are seeking a diagnosis, treatment, surgery, medication or another type of consultation or procedure from a healthcare provider, you should know there are many different ways healthcare providers can be liable for medical malpractice and many kinds may be held accountable. To determine who may be liable for your injury under Ohio medical malpractice law, it will be important to determine the type of injury you suffered.

For example, if you received a misdiagnosis which delayed the correct diagnosis of your actual condition, and a significant worsening of your actual condition because of the misdiagnosis, a handful of healthcare providers could be liable. If your doctor sent tests to a lab and the results were wrong, the lab and any lab techs who may be liable. If your doctor was negligent in reading the test results or made an error in reviewing your charts and understanding your symptoms, your doctor may be liable. In some cases, if your doctor is employed by a hospital or another facility, that facility also may be responsible as an employer.

If your prescribing physician or nurse practitioner made a mistake when prescribing your medication or writing the prescription, that healthcare provider could be at fault. If a pharmacist made an error in filling the prescription, the pharmacist could be liable.

You May Be Able to File a Lawsuit Against More than One Party

If more than one healthcare provider was at fault, you may be eligible to file a claim against more than one provider. It is extremely important to have an experienced Ohio medical malpractice attorney assess your case to determine your best course of action.

Contact an Ohio Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Do you need assistance filing a medical malpractice lawsuit? One of our aggressive Ohio medical malpractice attorneys can help. Contact Nager, Romaine & Schneiberg, Co., LPA to learn more about the services we provide.

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