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Holding a Nursing Home Responsible for Abuse or Neglect in Ohio

| Oct 18, 2022 | Nursing Home Neglect

The elderly should be protected, cherished, and cared for with compassion, dignity, and respect. They cared for us when we were young, and now it’s our responsibility to care for them.

Unfortunately, nursing home neglect is a serious problem, one that NRS Injury Law is committed to fighting.

Getting Informed on Nursing Home Neglect

Nursing home neglect may be one of the most hidden yet one of the most pervasive aspects of medical malpractice. According to the World Health Organization:[1]

  • One in six people 60 years and older experiences some form of abuse in a community setting at least once per year.
  • Two in three staff in nursing homes and long-term care facilities report incidences of abuse.
  • Rates of abuse have increased in recent years, spiking during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Abuse of the elderly can complicate already existing health conditions and lead to long-term harmful outcomes and psychological consequences.
  • Between 2015 and 2050, the global population of people aged 60 and older will double, from 900 million to 2 billion. That’s why we must stop nursing home neglect before it’s too late.

Examples of Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home neglect and abuse can take many forms, and the following are a few examples. If you observe these signs of nursing home abuse in Ohio, contact NRS Injury Law at 855-468-4878:

  • Inadequate or subpar medical care for residents
  • Clothing for residents that is dirty and unwashed
  • Nursing home residents experiencing falls and slips
  • Hazards such as smoke, bad drinking water, or facilities that are too hot or cold
  • Malnutrition, dehydration, or residents not receiving the right medication on time
  • Poor hygiene, bed sores, residents not being properly bathed and groomed, rooms not clean
  • Verbal, mental, sexual, or physical abuse of residents, including corporal punishment and solitary confinement
  • Force-feeding, denied food or water, and/or the use of physical or chemical restraints to trap or confine residents

Seek Help from the Best Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Ohio

NRS Injury Law specializes in nursing home abuse in Ohio. It pains us greatly to see elderly residents and senior citizens harmed by abusive nursing homes or neglectful nursing home staff. If you or a loved one has been neglected or abused in a nursing home, please contact NRS Injury Law immediately by calling our office at 855-468-4878 or by filling out our online form.

Sources Cited:

[1] WHO. “Abuse of Older People.” World Health Organization, 2022. who.int

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