Ohio's Largest Workers' Compensation And Injury Law Firm

Uninsured vs Underinsured Coverage in Ohio

| Mar 9, 2023 | Auto Accidents

The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) recommends you have at least $30,000 in coverage for damages caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver. This amount should be enough to cover the costs of medical bills and lost earnings if you’re injured in a car accident that’s not your fault. You’ll need to buy your own auto insurance policy before you can get this type of coverage, so plan ahead and make sure that you’re getting enough protection from the BMV’s recommended minimum level.

What is Uninsured Motorist Coverage?

Uninsured motorist coverage is a type of auto insurance that protects you if you are hit by a driver who does not have insurance. Uninsured motorist coverage is not the same as underinsured motorist coverage, which protects you in situations where the at-fault driver does not have enough liability insurance to cover your damages.

Uninsured drivers are a common occurrence on Ohio roads, accounting for 13 percent of all drivers. This means that if you get into an accident with one of these drivers, there’s no way for them to pay for your medical bills or vehicle repairs.

If this happens while driving around Cleveland, Columbus, or anywhere else in Ohio, you’ll be glad to know that your own policy may provide some relief: Uninsured Motorist Coverage kicks in when another party’s negligence renders them unable to pay after an accident occurs between two vehicles driven by uninsured parties (i.e., uninsured motorists).

What is Underinsured Motorist Coverage?

Underinsured motorist coverage is part of your car insurance policy. It protects you when another driver causes an accident and doesn’t have enough insurance to cover your medical bills and lost wages. If you get into a crash with someone who doesn’t have enough insurance, then underinsured motorist coverage will help pay for some of the costs associated with repairing or replacing your vehicle and any other expenses resulting from injuries sustained when the other driver was at fault.

Who needs uninsured motorist coverage?

Anyone who drives or has a car should have uninsured motorist coverage. If you are the driver and your insurance company pays for any damages to your vehicle caused by another driver who does not have liability insurance, then that company can recoup some of its losses from you.

If you are a passenger in someone else’s vehicle and they cause an accident with no liability insurance coverage, then your medical bills would be on your shoulders if they weren’t covered by their personal injury protection (PIP) policy within the state of Ohio.

How much uninsured motorist coverage should you have in Ohio?

That depends on your situation. It’s a good idea to have more than the minimum required by law, which is $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. We recommend a UM/UIM policy of no less than $100k based upon the costs we see associated with common orthopedic injuries caused by routine motor vehicle accidents, with a preferred level of coverage of $250k. The importance of this is to show our clients the need to obtain uninsured motorist coverage for themselves and their families and to purchase the highest level of coverage they can afford.

What are some situations where you might need to file a claim for uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage?

There are a few situations where you might need to file a claim for uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage. If you were hit by an uninsured driver, your insurance company may reimburse you for medical bills and lost wages up to their limits of liability.

If the at-fault driver had liability insurance but not enough to cover your costs, then this is another situation where UM/UIM may come into play. In Ohio, UM/UIM must pay up to $25,000 per person and $50,000 total per accident in medical expenses and lost wages.

You should always carry the right amount of insurance.

If you are injured by a driver who is uninsured, you should file a claim with your own insurance company. If you are injured by a driver who has underinsured coverage and does not have enough to cover all of your injuries (or any at all), then they may be able to recover from their own policy or from another source of insurance, such as their homeowner’s policy or health plan.


In Ohio, you’re required to carry insurance if you want to drive a car on the road. If you don’t have enough coverage, then your insurance company can help pay for some of the damage that occurs if another driver hits you. Uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage are two types of policies that can help protect drivers in this situation. These types of policies are available through any auto insurance provider in Ohio and should be considered by anyone who owns or leases vehicles on which they rely for transportation each day. To ensure you get the compensation you deserve, call NRS Injury Law at 855.977.6670.

category: Auto Accidents

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