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Five Things You Should Know About Whiplash

| May 27, 2024 | Auto Accidents

It may be the title of the 2014 award winner at the Sundance Film Festival, but to the hundreds of thousands of Americans who suffer a whiplash injury each year, whiplash is no Hollywood story. Whiplash can cause years of chronic pain and may be associated with other long- and short-term medical problems, including everything from blurred vision and sleep disturbances to arthritis. And according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), an organization funded by automobile insurers, the annual cost of whiplash claims is $8 billion.

Rear-end collisions often result in an acceleration-deceleration whiplash injury. When you are hit from behind, your head is thrown forward rapidly, causing the muscles, ligaments and tendons in your neck to stretch beyond their normal range. When you come to a stop, your head is thrown backward.

You should know that:

  • Taller people and women are among the most likely to suffer whiplash injuries.
  • Because the effects of a soft tissue (whiplash) injury are not always immediately evident, you should see a doctor as soon as possible after an accident involving your neck.
  • Proper positioning of your head restraint can increase your protection against injury.
  • Although not a primary law in Ohio, seatbelts are important in the prevention of violent acceleration-deceleration injuries.
  • Whiplash may occur even in relatively low-speed collisions.

This video shows the mechanism of whiplash injuries – http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xe6cwl_auto-accident-and-whiplash_tech

Last, you should know that insurance companies fight against compensating victims of soft-tissue/whiplash injuries. An experienced auto accident lawyer from the Cleveland law office of Nager Romaine Schneiberg Co., L.P.A can develop a strong case on your behalf.

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