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Will Workers’ Compensation Pay for Treatment for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?

| May 27, 2024 | Workers' Comp

The list of questions surrounding workers’ compensation is almost endless. But given that the Social Security Administration estimates some 135.6 million employees in the United States are protected under workers’ comp laws, workers must understand workers’ comp and the rights to which those workers are entitled.[1]

One question that often gets asked about workers’ compensation coverage is, “Will workers’ compensation pay for treatment for my complex regional pain syndrome?”

The simple answer is yes, workers’ compensation can pay for CRPS. But an individual’s efforts in filing for workers’ compensation under a CRPS injury or ailment are not guaranteed to be successful. Injured workers must take great care to follow all the correct steps, ensure all of the workers’ compensation paperwork is filled out, and their CRPS injury is medically verified.

Defining Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

According to the Mayo Clinic’s research:[2]

  • “Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a form of chronic pain that usually affects an arm or a leg. CRPS typically develops after an injury, a surgery, a stroke, or a heart attack. The pain is out of proportion to the severity of the initial injury. CRPS is uncommon, and its cause isn’t clearly understood. Treatment is most effective when started early. In such cases, improvement and even remission are possible.”

As one can see, CRPS is a debilitating condition that is often very difficult to treat. When someone is afflicted with this condition, they might not be able to perform their normal work tasks, and they might even be unable to perform a reduced workload of less strenuous work tasks. As a general rule, if the initial injury that resulted in CRPS occurred at work or during one’s employment, the injured employee can claim Workers’ Compensation benefits for their CRPS.

How Do I File for Workers’ Compensation When I Have CRPS?

Because CRPS workers’ comp cases are relatively uncommon, they can be tricky to file, and it’s easy to make mistakes when filling out paperwork or to miss critical steps in the filing process. Workers who suffer from CRPS due to an accident, injury, or illness they suffered during work or in the course of work should receive legal help. If you struggle with CRPS and need help applying for workers’ comp, please call NRS Injury law today at 855-468-4878 or fill out our convenient online contact form.


[1] SSA. “Workers’ Compensation Program Description and Legislative History.” Social Security Administration, 2017. ssa.gov

[2] Mayo. “Complex regional pain syndrome.” Mayo Clinic, 2022. mayoclinic.org

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