Ohio's Largest Workers' Compensation And Injury Law Firm

Workers Compensation 101

| May 27, 2024 | Workers' Comp

Understanding your workers’ compensation process is an important first step. Here are a few things you need to know before you begin.

Types of Injuries Workers’ Comp Covers

Rather than going through a laundry list of everything that could be covered by workers’ comp, it may be simpler to remember one rule: if the injury was suffered as a result of something you did as part of your employment, there is a good chance it is covered. In fact, even a pre-existing injury may be covered if it was aggravated while performing a work-related activity.

Some of the types of injuries that are covered include overuse or repetitive motion injuries, diseases that you contract as a result of your job duties, loss of vision or hearing, and even injuries that are related to stress—provided the stress was something you experienced while on the job.

Types of Workers’ Comp Benefits That Are Available

As with other types of insurance, workers’ comp benefits will vary depending on your circumstances. In general, there are three types of benefits that are available.

The first one is related to your medical care expenses. When you seek out care due to a work-related injury, workers’ comp may be able to help pick up the tab for the doctor’s bills.

The second type of benefit, known as temporary disability benefits, is available after a short waiting period. This benefit is usually paid to people who are only temporarily unable to work. It is meant to replace your income while you are injured, and payments cease when you return to work.

The third type of benefit is for those who are permanently unable to work. The process for getting these payments will be a little bit more rigorous, but they will last for the rest of your career. You can also receive compensation in the event of a fatality related to work.

What to Expect From the Workers’ Comp Process

To get your benefits, you will have to file a claim and possibly respond to inquiries. It is highly recommended that you seek assistance with the process, as it can be challenging to understand and navigate on your own.

Getting workers’ comp can be a challenge, but by understanding the way the process works, you have taken your first step towards your goal. If you have any questions, contact us today!

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