Ohio's Largest Workers' Compensation And Injury Law Firm

Workers’ Compensation Fraud

| May 27, 2024 | Workers' Comp

Understanding Workers’ Compensation Fraud

The harsh reality is when workers’ compensation fraud occurs it is typically on the side of the employer. As a result, innocent workers have undue hardship.

Types of Employer Workers’ Compensation Fraud

If you suspect you are working for a company or organization that is wrongfully dodging the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation requirements, you could be in serious danger. If you are injured on the job, you may have a difficult time obtaining fair compensation.

If you recognize any of the business practices listed below occurs at your place of employment, the employer is committing workers’ compensation fraud. Contact the Ohio BWC immediately.

  • Employee misclassification – Employers may fraudulently classify employees as contractors or as owners in order to avoid paying workers’ compensation insurance premiums. If you are an employee, told where and what time to show up each day, what duties to perform, what to wear and other similar directives – you are an employee and not a contractor or owner.
  • Underreporting payroll – Some employers simply falsify records and under report employees and payroll.
  • Shell corporations – Fraudulent shell corporations established for the sole purpose of evading insurance premiums by dividing the workforce into several smaller companies.
  • Insurance policy fraud – Fraudulent misrepresentation by using another contractor’s or a fake worker’s compensation certificate and policy.
  • Document falsification or concealment – Withholding, altering, falsifying or otherwise dishonest practices in the event of an injury, illness or death.
  • Red Flags from the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

    The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation outlines the following red flag employer behaviors to enable employees in identifying potential workers’ compensation fraud in their workplace.

    • Continued underbidding / excessive profit as a result of not having a proper compensation policy.
    • Fraudulent, outdated or missing Ohio BWC Certificate
    • Deceptive payroll and employee pay practices
    • Misclassification of employees

    If you were injured at work, contact our offices immediately. The experienced workers’ compensation attorneys at Nager, Romaine and Schneiberg Injury law will help you navigate the confusing workers’ compensation system to obtain the compensation you deserve.

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