Ohio's Largest Workers' Compensation And Injury Law Firm

Auto Accidents

Worst Cities for Drivers in Ohio

The winter season is in full swing, meaning millions of American drivers are at increased risk of car accidents due to hazardous road conditions. Thankfully, drivers can take steps to protect themselves and their passengers. Further, federal and state-level reporting enables drivers to prepare themselves properly by indicating which cities have the highest risks for traffic accidents. Ohio drivers should…

Ohio Winter Weather Worst Roads

Anyone who has spent time in Ohio during the winter knows that the roads can become slippery and treacherous at any moment. Many Ohio drivers can tell stories of setting out on a trip when the weather seemed fine (if a bit chilly) only to have a sudden winter storm blow in, turning the trip into a harrowing and dangerous…

Will Reducing the BAC Reduce Injury?

Our law firm vigorously pursues compensation on behalf of clients injured by drunk drivers. While a driver operating a vehicle under the influence (OVI) is penalized by an administrative and criminal action, those consequences do not begin to address the pain, injury and death experienced by those hit by a drunk driver. One of the legal measures of a drunk…

Will Self-Driving Cars Increase Road Safety?

Everyone wants to have a safe experience on America’s roads. But with vehicle accidents and traffic fatalities rising, a safe experience is never guaranteed. The number of vehicles on the roads will only increase in the coming years, exacerbating risk factors and potentially making travel by automobile even more dangerous. Given the predicament, some experts indicate that self-driving cars could…

Why I Should Insist on Getting an MRI if I am not Getting Better After an Injury

According to the National Safety Council, the U.S. records 4,260,000 workplace injuries yearly. While industries like construction, transportation, warehousing, agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting, and mining tend to have the highest injury rates, every industry in the U.S. poses some risk for injury to its workers. That is why workers must know what to do in the event of a workplace…

Who Pays My Bills if I Am in a Car Accident While on the Clock?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 40% of fatal workplace accidents occur in automobiles or other transportation-related vehicles like tractor-trailers, trains, ships, or airplanes. That means vehicle-related accidents are the most common type of workplace accident.[1] In a research paper published by the National Safety Council, researchers found that the industry where workers were most at risk…

Winter Weather Driving Dangers

The running joke in Northeast Ohio every winter is the moment the snow flies, drivers forget how to drive. The truth behind that adage is a scary reality! Unfortunately, improper roadway safety precautions place everyone in danger. Recent icing conditions and substantial snowfalls have understandably led to an increase in vehicle accidents. If you watch the morning news, the traffic…