Ohio's Largest Workers' Compensation And Injury Law Firm

Workers’ Comp

Workers’ Compensation Guide

In addition to operating the largest state-funded workers’ compensation system in the country, Ohio is also home to millions of workers in the private sector who are covered by workers’ comp. Whether you work in the private or public sector, this guide is for you. What to Do When an Accident Occurs Workers’ compensation is a crucial component of employment…

Workers’ Compensation as an Exclusive Remedy: What You Need to Know

If you recently got hurt on the job or know someone injured at work, you might be learning more about the Ohio workers’ compensation system. Workers’ compensation claims go through the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC). You may have heard workers’ comp claims are an “exclusive remedy” in Ohio as well as in other states across the country. You…

Workers Compensation 101

Understanding your workers’ compensation process is an important first step. Here are a few things you need to know before you begin. Types of Injuries Workers’ Comp Covers Rather than going through a laundry list of everything that could be covered by workers’ comp, it may be simpler to remember one rule: if the injury was suffered as a result…

Workers’ Compensation Fraud

Understanding Workers’ Compensation Fraud The harsh reality is when workers’ compensation fraud occurs it is typically on the side of the employer. As a result, innocent workers have undue hardship. Types of Employer Workers’ Compensation Fraud If you suspect you are working for a company or organization that is wrongfully dodging the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation requirements, you could…

Work Injuries from Repetitive Movements

How often do you make the same repetitive movements while at work? If you answered “quite often,” then you may end up with a repetitive motion injury. No matter what your job is, you could incur injured ligaments, torn or damaged muscles, or even permanent nerve damage just because you move repeatedly in the same manner over the course of…

Work-Related Injuries: How to Handle The Physical Toll on Your Body

Despite even the best prevention efforts and safety practices, workplace injuries in Ohio still occur daily. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Ohio reports about 85,000 nonfatal workplace injuries yearly, the equivalent of 2.4 injuries per 100 full-time workers.[1] Quoting the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, “There were an estimated 110,500 total recordable cases reported in 2019 for…

Workers’ Comp Multiple Work Injuries

Do you know your rights if you’ve been hurt at work? Getting the care and compensation you deserve for multiple work injuries According to the National Safety Council, someone gets hurt while on the job every seven seconds. While not every injury results in serious health problems or missed work, any injury can cause health issues over time. For workers…

Will Workers’ Compensation Pay for Treatment for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?

The list of questions surrounding workers’ compensation is almost endless. But given that the Social Security Administration estimates some 135.6 million employees in the United States are protected under workers’ comp laws, workers must understand workers’ comp and the rights to which those workers are entitled.[1] One question that often gets asked about workers’ compensation coverage is, “Will workers’ compensation…