Ohio's Largest Workers' Compensation And Injury Law Firm

Workers’ Comp

Why You Should NEVER Quit Your Job While You’re on Workers’ Comp

Navigating a workplace accident, the consequences of it, and how to get compensated for a work-related injury is a complex process. People injured at work will almost certainly be entitled to paid recovery time and some degree of compensation for their loss of function and quality of life due to their injury. To maximize their benefits, injured workers are often…

When Workers are Fatigued and Businesses Are Short Staffed, Disaster Ensues

2020 and 2021 have seen a considerable worker shortage. The effects of COVID-19 have affected every industry on the planet, from healthcare to long-haul truck driving. The worker shortage is disastrous on many levels—including the potential for accidents on the job. When businesses are short staffed, the remaining workers are often overworked. As a result, many employees suffer from fatigue.…

When to Call a Workers’ Comp Lawyer

Many workers’ compensation cases are cut and dry. A person gets injured at work, they go to the emergency room for a diagnosis and treatment plan, and their employer’s workers’ compensation insurance kicks in. Other cases aren’t so easy. In some cases, an injury, even a debilitating one, may not be clear cut and the employer’s insurance might fight the…

What’s the Difference Between the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation and a Managed Care Organization?

The jargon and terminology surrounding health care, insurance, workers’ compensation, and workplace injuries can get more than a little confusing. Add abbreviations for every term plus the complex terminology of state laws, workplace policies, contracts, and regulations, and the system seems too complicated even to scratch the surface of understanding it. One of the most common questions workers ask that…

When Is PTSD Covered by Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation laws and regulations provide some of the most important legal protections available. Since most adults spend much of their waking time at work, workplace protections are key to ensuring fairness, good quality of life, proper compensation, and justice in the event of a harmful workplace incident. With that in mind, one of the most common questions surrounding workers’…

Part-Time Holiday Work: A Guide to Workers’ Compensation for Seasonal Workers

During the holidays, many people pick up part-time seasonal jobs in retail, package delivery, snow removal, and more. However short-term these positions, accidents can happen to anyone at any time. The good news is you have rights as a seasonal worker protected by Ohio’s workers’ compensation laws, and if you are injured on the job, you may be eligible for…

How to Determine Eligibility for Firefighters’ Workers’ Compensation

If you served as a firefighter, you may not have been aware of the hidden risks of serving your community. Firefighters are exposed to hazardous chemicals that can cause cancer and other serious health conditions. Much of the personal protective equipment (PPE) and flame retardants used by firefighters have been found to contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known…

Firefighter Occupational Exposure: What are the Potential Sources and What Legal Recourse is Available?

The tools that keep firefighters safe and help them save lives are potential sources of serious illness. Regular use of hazardous chemicals and equipment like flame retardants and personal protective equipment (PPE) led to the classification of firefighting as a Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). It is a fact that firefighters are exposed…

Pending Workers’ Compensation Claims – What Do You Do When Your Company Files for Bankruptcy

Yellow Corp., one of the largest LTL carriers in the U.S., filed for bankruptcy on August 6, 2023, ending a company that had been in business for almost 100 years and impacting nearly 30,000 employees. Yellow’s financial troubles have been well-documented, including a $700 million loan from the federal government during the pandemic in 2020 that led to an investigation…