Ohio's Largest Workers' Compensation And Injury Law Firm

Mass Torts: A Powerful Path To Justice

Most personal injury cases involve a single victim. Mass torts, however, involve large-scale wrongdoing that causes harm to hundreds or even thousands of people.

A mass tort claim, a type of class action claim, allows victims to band together to seek compensation and justice from those wrongdoers. This type of claim not only secures accountability but also sends a strong signal to other companies that such negligence will not be tolerated. Collective action amplifies this impact, promoting higher standards of safety and ethics in industries across the board.

At NRS Injury Law, we aggressively pursue mass tort claims against businesses and governments that cause sweeping harm. As Ohio’s largest personal injury and workers’ compensation firm – with dozens of attorneys and over a hundred support staff – we are well situated to address the complexity of these claims. Our track record speaks volumes, with hundreds of millions recovered for our clients.

Why Pursue Mass Tort Claims?

Mass tort claims are notoriously difficult. They require a robust legal strategy to challenge well-funded and well-resourced opponents. As a result, many personal injury lawyers won’t touch them.

We excel at tackling these challenges. We’re not afraid to confront large companies and governmental entities, such as the U.S. military. We believe that everyone deserves a voice when they have been harmed by corporate or governmental wrongdoing, and we empower everyday people to make their voices heard.

Active Mass Tort Claims

Our lawyers help people pursue compensation in cases such as:

Our team is passionate about empowering clients by taking a stand against these types of far-reaching negligence. We are staunch advocates for justice.

Start Seeking Justice Today

If you believe you may be eligible to pursue a mass tort claim, please contact us through our website or by phone at 855-468-4878. We offer free consultations to review your circumstances and provide guidance on how we can help.