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The Psychological Aftermath of a Car Crash

| Mar 25, 2014 | Auto Accidents

The thought of a car accident often encompasses screeching tires, the sound of metal scraping on metal, the sight of steaming, crumpled cars and the smell of airbag sulfur, engine smoke or gasoline.

It is extremely common for victims of serious collisions to have this image and more gruesome memories of the crash remain fresh in their minds. It is also common for drivers, passengers and witnesses to act differently after a crash. People may avoid the area of road where the accident took place, or avoid the circumstance in which the accident occurred.

Just as our bodies must physically heal from the collision’s effects, we must also recover psychologically.

  • Shock
  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia / trouble sleeping
  • Depression
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Getting help for your mental recovery

Everyone’s responses to frightening circumstances are different. Some may have some or none of these symptoms for a short time after the incident; others may experience these effects for a year or more afterward.

The most important thing you can remember during this time is that it is completely normal to sustain some psychological consequences, and to forgive yourself for them. No one will judge you for your responses, and it is vital to take care of yourself by resting and eating well before plunging back into your regular activities.

It may be wise to seek counsel from a mental health professional after your collision. What you are feeling may be normal, but it may be more serious than that, and only an expert can truly help you determine this. Compensation from your auto accident claim should assist you financially in seeking the help you need.

Contact Nager, Romaine & Schneiberg Co., L.P.A. for an initial consultation if you are having trouble dealing with the physical and psychological damage caused by an auto accident. Our auto accident lawyers can help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

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