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May is Motorcycle Safety Month

| May 23, 2018 | Auto Accidents

Hitting the open road is certainly not without risk. Every year motorcycle riders are at an increased risk of danger due to driver negligence and even their own risky behavior. It is not uncommon in today’s crazy world to see a motorcycle rider texting while driving or popping wheelies down the highway!

Motorcycle riders accounted for 13% of all US traffic fatalities in 2016, despite accounting for only 3% of all registered vehicles. With almost 5,000 fatalities and over 88,000 injuries – The serious nature of motorcycle safety cannot be ignored.

Rider Safety

The reality is that most riders are male, equating to 91% of the motorcycle fatality statistics. Of that, riders 50 and older made up 36% of the fatalities in 2016. Motorcycles are more powerful and faster than ever before, and the dangerous road conditions are worse than ever.

As a motorcycle rider, you must be vigilant every time you hit the streets, or you literally will hit the streets!
• Always wear a helmet and proper attire
• Drive Sober
• Pay attention to the weather
• Use proper driving etiquette
• Drive defensively – Always assume cars may not notice you
• Complete proper driving courses

Driver Safety

As a licensed driver we are bestowed one of the largest responsibilities in life and that is to drive safely. In the warmer months, adding motorcycles into the mix of traffic and chaos requires even more vigilance.
The well known saying “look twice to save a life” is imperative. Motorcycle riders can easily be concealed in our vehicles’ blind spots or within everyday traffic patterns. It is critical to take your time and ensure you are not heading into the path of an oncoming rider or changing lanes without clear distance.

Distracted drivers are also particularly dangerous for motorcyclists. A car, truck or van is simply no match for a bike that offers the rider zero protection at impact. Considering the average distraction is about 5 seconds, which is the time it takes to drive the length of a football field at 55 MPH, you can only imagine the damage that can be done to an individual on a motorcycle.

Take the responsibility of owning and operating a motorcycle seriously, and urge your riding friends to do so as well. As drivers, we all need to do our part to make our roads a safe place for all.

If you or someone you love was seriously injured or killed in a motorcycle accident, call NRS Injury Law today for a free case consultation. There is no fee unless we win, and we have the experience to fight for the compensation you deserve.

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