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Distracted Driving

| Apr 5, 2019 | Auto Accidents

How distracted are you while driving on the road? Do you change the stations on the radio frequently, or do you attempt to text and drive? While you aren’t alone in doing either of these things, it’s important to realize the consequences of distracted driving. Experts say all it takes is a single glance away from the road to cause an accident. The car in front of you might hit the brakes at that exact time, and you know how this story will end.

It’s Important to Pay Attention to the Road

According to the statistics, distracted driving causes approximately 330,000 accidents each year. Furthermore, in 2017, 3,166 of distracted driving accidents resulted in a fatality. Sadly, these accidents could have been prevented if the drivers were paying attention to the road. While these statistics don’t indicate exactly what the distractions were, they could have been anything from checking on the kids in the backseat to adjusting the temperature –the odds however, suggest the main distraction was text messaging.

Setting a Good Example for Your Kids

When you respond to texts while driving, you’re setting a poor example for your children. They look to you for guidance on show appropriate behavior. Texting and driving sends the message that it’s okay for them to do the same when they get old enough to be behind the wheel. You need to set a good example for them, which is why you shouldn’t text and drive. It’s important to pay attention to the road, and they need to understand the consequences.

Your Texts Can Wait

The important message here is that your text messages can wait. You have the choice of either waiting until you’re at a red light or parked in a lot to respond, or you can hold off on answering until you arrive at your destination. Not only do you want to set a good example for your kids and passengers, but you don’t want to end up as a statistic.. Think about all of the accidents that could have been prevented, if only the driver were paying attention. What’s more important? That text message, or another person’s life?

If you were injured in an accident caused by a distracted driver, please contact the accident attorneys at Nager, Romaine & Schneiberg today!

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