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Law Enforcement Targeting Distracted Drivers

| May 17, 2019 | Auto Accidents

Distracted driving is such a problem in Ohio that Governor Mike DeWine formed a task force to develop a solution. Under the current law, a distracted driver can only be cited for texting or talking on the phone while driving if they are pulled over for another, more egregious offense, such as speeding or running a red light. The Distracted Driving Task Force is out to the change that law.

People Die Due to Distracted Drivers

The death of Dave Muslovski is a tragic example of the dangers of distracted drivers. In 2010, the Youngstown resident was struck and killed while walking to work, just as he did every day. The driver admitted to texting while driving, and didn’t see Dave. Dave is just one example of the hundreds of deaths that occur in Ohio every year due to drivers not paying attention to the road.

Attempts to Stop Distracted Drivers

The Distracted Driving Task Force, along with State Law Enforcement officials, have created a Distracted Driving Safety Corridor, which includes signs warning of the dangers of distracted driving. The signs are placed along both I-76 and I-80. Officials state the signs are working, but there is far more work to be done.

Another suggestion includes elevating distracted driving from a primary offense to a secondary one, which means drivers can be pulled over if they are caught texting or on the phone. The offense would have additional penalties and fines. Additionally, the dangers of distracted driving may be taught in driver’s education courses, as that would help call attention to the issue.

Thus far in 2019, 296 people have been killed in traffic accidents in Ohio. Although not all deaths are caused by distracted driving, it’s clear that not paying attention to the road can lead to deadly consequences.

If you were injured in an accident caused by a distracted driver, please contact the highly experienced accident attorneys at Nager, Romaine & Schneiberg today!

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