Ohio's Largest Workers' Compensation And Injury Law Firm

Injured on the Job in Ohio?

| Nov 11, 2019 | Workers' Comp

What Should I do if I am Injured on the Job in Ohio?

Any injury has the potential to cause stress, fear, and uncertainty; an injury or illness that occurs while you are at work is no different. While you may feel out of control during this time, there are important steps you need to take in order to protect your rights and increase the chances that your Ohio workers’ compensation claim will be approved. The best way to do this is to seek the help of an experienced Ohio workers’ compensation attorney to guide you through the process.

Bring the Injury or Illness to Your Supervisor’s Attention Right Away

The moment you realize that you are ill or injured, you should inform your supervisor. This is not the time to “play tough” or try to work through the injury or illness. A delay in reporting the injury or illness not only makes the entire process of claiming your necessary benefits take longer, it can also make it more difficult to prove your injury or illness occurred while you were on the job.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Even if the injury or illness seems minor, take the time to get checked out at a hospital, a clinic, or by a medical professional. This will not only ensure you are accurately diagnosed, but it will make it easier to show your injury or illness occurred while you were at work.

Complete Forms Given to You by Your Employer

Your workers’ compensation claim begins with completing the appropriate forms. Seek help if you are uncertain as to how these forms should be completed. Under state law, your employer is required to give you the forms necessary to begin your claim after you report your injury or illness. It is important that these forms are completed and submitted in a timely fashion — any delay in filing your Ohio workers’ compensation forms will delay the processing of your claim.

Keep All Medical Appointments and Follow All Medical Instructions

You may be asked to see a doctor chosen by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurer or by the state. Be sure you keep this and any other medical appointments. Also, be sure you follow all treatment instructions and take any prescriptions as prescribed. Failing to follow medical advice and treatment orders can make it seem your injury or illness is not as severe as it truly is. If you believe you need a change in your medication and/or treatment plan, discuss this with your doctor before taking any action.

Seek the Counsel of the Attorneys at Nager, Romaine & Schneiberg Co., L.P.A.

The experienced Ohio workers’ compensation attorneys at Nager, Romaine & Schneiberg Co., L.P.A. can help injured workers in Cleveland, Columbus, and surrounding areas recover compensation through what can be a long, confusing process. Even if you believe that yours is a “clear cut” or “straightforward case,” there may be issues that can be avoided through the help of one of our attorneys. We offer free initial consultations, so contact us today to discuss your case.

Photo by Arron Choi on Unsplash

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